Thursday, July 31, 2008

Taking over

My DD received a darling flower/ button clip for her birthday from her friend. It was so cute, but very limiting since it was bright pink and neon green. DD wanted to wear one every day that matched all her clothes, so she spent her birthday $$ on a hot glue gun and flowers (buttons provided by me.....) with the intent of assembling some flower clips when she got home from school today. I was curious, and wanted to make a prototype, so that it would be sure to go smoothly later on was just a little too fun, though. Won't she be surprised when she comes home and I've already made 10?? I better back a way from the glue gun for now and let her do some or she'll be pretty upset. ;)


Katherine said...

Very cute.

smoothiejuice's hectichousehold said...

how cute is that!!!???!!!!

Krystall said...

Love them! I already had flowers to do the same thing with- but I like yours better! I might have to go to Jo-ann's... :)

The Crouse House said...

Oh my goodness - how cute are those! Jessica would never wear anything so cute! I would love to get on your family blog but understand if you prefer to keep it completely private! I think you are amazing and I enjoy reading your blogs and learning about all you are doing! I plan on placing a few orders for your soap too! Very professional and I was even able to sample a few at the Heids house last week! Take care!