In honor of my 'spare time' and the creative side of my brain, I am going to try to use/ buy things that are handmade, where possible. I like the idea of buying something that supports other SAHMs. I like the idea of giving gifts that I put some time into and felt good about giving. I know there are those that DH will protest, and that's understandable, but as much as possible, I am going give it a try.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Posted by Mo at 7:24 AM 2 comments
Little Blackie seems to be doing better; moving around more smoothly, and I have seen him nursing more and more.
The grass is sending up spinwheels enough that I have to mow once a week, but the blades of grass itself isn't actually really growing much. We only have it set to water twice a week, so I think it may need a couple more days of water.
The pole beans have far surpassed the slow sunflowers, now. The seeds that have come up so far are: Cantalope, cucumbers, beans (pole and bush), chives, sunflowers, sweet peas. Still to come up are the pumpkins we planted on Saturday.
I dug up a wheelbarrow full of compost from deep underneath the pile and dumped it into one of the tree boxes in the garden area. After breaking it all up, I dumped some worms in and I hope they make some good dirt.
Posted by Mo at 7:15 AM 1 comments